Using Advanced Solutions, Inc. to look at complications you can't normally look at?

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Using Advanced Solutions, Inc. to look at complications you can't normally look at?

Post by pvanniervp » Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:20 am


I realise there's already an entry about this card, but I couldn't find the answer to my question.

When a :contract is successfully resolved during the resolution phase, the owner of that :contract slot replaces the resolved :contract with a new one drawn from the top of the adventure deck. That player then draws another adventure card, without looking at it, and attaches it face down as a :complication.

My question is: are you allowed to use Advanced Solutions, Inc. to draw two additional :complication and look at all of them before choosing one, thereby bypassing the normal rule which says that you can't look at this card?

Thanks to all.

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Re: Using Advanced Solutions, Inc. to look at complications you can't normally look at?

Post by Cpt Ric » Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:57 am

Yes I think you can. I looked at the entry for this card in the Traveller Card Data Base and it had this:

Errata & Clarifications
So in the Adventure Phase, Stage 1, you get to draw one complication and look at it without revealing it to your opponents, and then play it on one of the the contracts. With this card, if you exert it, you get to draw two cards instead. IN SOLO PLAY, Stage 1, you draw one complication and play it face down. However, in Stage 2, you get to draw an adventure card and place it face up. So with ASI, you get to draw two and decide which to play. Since there is no Phase Restriction, you can also use it during other times when you're required to draw from the adventure deck.

Notice that last line (bolded). It only works when YOU are drawing the cards, so it would be when a contract slot you own is being filled, not another players slot.

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Re: Using Advanced Solutions, Inc. to look at complications you can't normally look at?

Post by pvanniervp » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:44 pm

Thanks for pointing that out.
I actually did read that clarification on the Traveller card database, but I didn't feel like it completely answered my question.
Re-reading it now, though, does seem to indicate that using this card in the manner I described is possible.

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Re: Using Advanced Solutions, Inc. to look at complications you can't normally look at?

Post by Horizon Ian » Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:14 am

We may need to clarify the clarification.

When a complication is attached to a contract automatically, you may use Advanced Solutions, Inc. to draw two additional cards. Drawing cards normally means you get to look at cards drawn, where the exception is that the auto-attached complication to a new contract is not looked at. Advanced Solutions, Inc. doesn't override that restriction.

So, you can draw three cards without looking at them and attach one of them. Why would you do this? Cycle through an adventure deck faster. You already know what cards are coming, even if it's just the first card. Etc.
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Re: Using Advanced Solutions, Inc. to look at complications you can't normally look at?

Post by pvanniervp » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:21 pm

Ah, okay, thanks for pointing that out, all is clear now!

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